Final Reflections

As this semester comes to a close I have been asked to reflect on my work and writing done here on this blog for my class titled “American Women Writers.” Although this blog will probably not be updated after this time, I hope that my posted thoughts on these novels the past three months will continue…Read more Final Reflections

Expectations for Women: Physical Beauty and Control

A recurring theme in the novels I have read this semester has been hair: in particular, what it means to women. As I spoke about in my previous post on women and education, women are delivered a constant stream of rules about how they should behave, think, and most of all, look. A universal, unifying…Read more Expectations for Women: Physical Beauty and Control

Girls and Education

This year my younger sister began seventh grade. After her first day she was sent home with a long, highly detailed list titled “DRESS CODES.” Under the section entitled “Boys” were some standard guidelines: “Must wear full uniform at all times,” “On dress down days no t-shirts with vulgar writing,” “Dark socks mandatory.” The girls’…Read more Girls and Education

American Indian Stories: “The Wonderland”

“The North,” for those affected by slavery, was synonymous with freedom; it represented promise and hope. However, slaves, the characters within the three novels I have read thus far, and the reader are rudely awakened, finding out the North is not so much better than the South. In Our Nig: Sketches From the Life of…Read more American Indian Stories: “The Wonderland”